“A Heart’s Betrayal” by Stephanie @thatquirkygirl   3 comments

You asked me to dance and I slowly declined.
Whispering words for you to hold me tight.
Oh, how I wish that my heart won’t betray me in the feelings I have for you.
They are real and true.

“The past exists only in your mind” he said grabbing me by my waist.
Pre-existing tendencies and an overshadowing of lust consumes me.
How dare you impede on my heart and take advantage of my swollen

Sacred words you promised me before giving me your patented flavored kiss.
I fling my arms around you as we begin to dance that dance we both know so well.
“Take me baby” I cry out in pain. “I need you” emptied right off my tongue.
It was too late. My heart betrayed me and in the moment I was fine, but knew I would
pay for it later.

Always enthusiastic and a credit to the game’s spirit, Stephanie is always a pleasure to read. More of her writing can be found at lequirkychic.blogspot.com and as
twitter accounts @thatquirkygirl and @xoxojuststeph@

Posted August 21, 2010 by thejournalinggame

3 responses to ““A Heart’s Betrayal” by Stephanie @thatquirkygirl

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  1. Inspirational. Thank you

  2. This story spoke to me as I too have felt the pain of my heart’s betrayal. A love that often hurts in the long run but brief moments of passion seems to heal the heart in an instant.

  3. Thank you both for the feedback!!! It is much appreciated 🙂

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